Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary: April Month– Day 1
1) Looming (Verb) — आसन्न होना Meaning: seem about to happen. Synonyms: be imminent, be on the horizon, impend Antonyms: distant, later, remote Usage: “there is a […]
1) Looming (Verb) — आसन्न होना Meaning: seem about to happen. Synonyms: be imminent, be on the horizon, impend Antonyms: distant, later, remote Usage: “there is a […]
1) Perilous (Adjective) — खतरे या जोखिम से भरा Meaning: full of danger or risk. Synonyms: dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous Antonyms: safe, secure Usage: “a perilous journey south” […]
1) Deployed (Verb) — तैनात करना Meaning: move (troops or equipment) into position for military action. Synonyms: position,station,post,place Antonyms: concentrate Usage: “forces were deployed at strategic locations” […]
1) Stark (Adjective) — दिखने या रूपरेखा में गंभीर Meaning: severe or bare in appearance or outline. Synonyms: sharply delineated, sharp, sharply defined Antonyms: fuzzy, indistinct, pleasant […]
1) Perversity (Noun) — प्रतिकूलता Meaning: a deliberate desire to behave in an unreasonable or unacceptable way; contrariness. Synonyms: contrariness, perverseness, awkwardness Antonyms: irresolution malleability compliance Usage: […]
1) Unabated (Adjective) – बेरोक-टोक Meaning: without any reduction in intensity or strength. Synonyms: constant, persistent, relentless Antonyms: reduced Usage: “the storm was raging unabated” 2) Albeit (Conjunction) — यद्यपि Meaning: […]
1) Inauguration (Noun) — उद्घाटन Meaning: the beginning or introduction of a system, policy, or period. Synonyms: initiation, institution, setting up, launch Antonyms: demise, winding up Usage: “the […]
1) Lackadaisical (Adjective) — उत्साह और दृढ़ संकल्प की कमी Meaning: lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy. Synonyms: careless, lazy, lax, unenthusiastic Antonyms: enthusiastic, excited Usage: “a lackadaisical defence […]
1) Lethargy (Noun) — सुस्ती Meaning: a lack of energy and enthusiasm. Synonyms: sluggishness, inertia, inactivity Antonyms: vigour, energy, animation Usage: “there was an air of lethargy […]
1) Rendered (Verb) – प्रदान करना Meaning: provide or give (a service, help, etc.). Synonyms: give, provide, supply Antonyms: ignored, neglected, disregarded Usage: “money serves as a reward for […]