Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary: March Month– Day 12
1) Afloat (Adjective) — कर्ज या कठिनाई से बाहर Meaning: out of debt or difficulty. Synonyms: drifting, buoyant, adrift Antonyms: broke, ruined, busy Usage: “professional management will […]
1) Afloat (Adjective) — कर्ज या कठिनाई से बाहर Meaning: out of debt or difficulty. Synonyms: drifting, buoyant, adrift Antonyms: broke, ruined, busy Usage: “professional management will […]
1) Scandal (Noun) Meaning: an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage. Synonyms: outrageous wrongdoing, outrageous behaviour Antonyms: approval, commendation, […]
1) Nascent (Adjective) — नवजात Meaning: just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential. Synonyms: just beginning, budding, developing Antonyms: adult, full-blown, full-fledged […]
1) Resumption (Noun) — पुनरारंभ Meaning: the action of beginning something again after a pause or interruption. Synonyms: restart, restarting, recommencement Antonyms: suspension, abandonment Usage: “with peace came […]
1) Credibility (Noun) — विश्वसनीयता Meaning: the quality of being trusted and believed in. Synonyms: trustworthiness, reliability, dependability Antonyms: implausibility, improbability, unlikelihood Usage: “the government’s loss of credibility” 2) Elevation (Noun) — उन्नयन […]
1) Complexity (Noun) — जटिलता Meaning: the state or quality of being intricate or complicated. Synonyms: complication, problem, difficulty Antonyms: simplicity Usage: “an issue of great complexity” 2) Subsumed (Verb) – सम्मिलित करना […]
1) Enthused (Verb) – उत्साहित होना Meaning: express eager enjoyment, interest, or approval regarding something. Synonyms: rave, be enthusiastic, gush, wax lyrical Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent,uneager Usage: “they […]
1) Poised (Adjective) — की ओर अग्रसर Meaning: having a composed and self-assured manner. Synonyms: self-possessed, self-assured, composed Antonyms: excited, flustered, inelegant Usage: “not every day […]
1) Unwieldy (Adjective) — बोझल Meaning: difficult to move because of its size, shape, or weight. Synonyms: cumbersome, unmanageable, unhandy Antonyms: manageable, dainty Usage: “huge, unwieldy […]
1) Prevalence (Noun) — व्यापकता Meaning: the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness. Synonyms: commonness, currency, widespread presence Antonyms: infrequency, rareness, uncommonness Usage: “the prevalence of obesity […]