1) Pomp (Noun) — वैभव
Meaning: ceremony and splendid display.
Synonyms: ceremonial, solemnity, ritual
Antonyms: simplicity
Usage: “entertaining overseas visitors with the right degree of pomp”
2) Bonhomie (Noun) — खुशमिजाजी
Meaning: cheerful friendliness; geniality.
Synonyms: geniality, congeniality, conviviality
Usage:”he exuded good humour and bonhomie”
3) Conscription (Noun) — भरती
Meaning: compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the armed forces.
Synonyms: call-up, draught
Usage: “conscription was extended to married men”
4) Predatory (Noun) — शोषक
Meaning: seeking to exploit others.
Synonyms: exploitative, wolfish, rapacious
Antonyms: generous, satisfied,temperate
Usage: “she always felt at the mercy of predatory men”
5) Prudently (Adverb) – सावधानी से
Meaning: in a way that shows care and thought for the future.
Synonyms: carefully, cautiously,alertly
Antonyms: carelessly, incautiously,irresponsibly
Usage: “we must act prudently to safeguard jobs”
6) Pronged (Adjective) — दाँतोंवाला
Meaning: splits into two or more directions, or parts
Synonyms: forked, branched, branching
Antonyms: joined, straight,unbranched
Usage: “he passed his fork to the right hand to prong the meat”
7) Irritants (Noun) — उत्तेजक
Meaning: a thing that is continually annoying or distracting.
Synonyms: annoyance, irritation, source of irritation
Antonyms: help, pleasure
Usage: “in 1966 Vietnam was becoming an irritant to the government”
8) Escalate (Verb) — तेजी से वृद्धि होना
Meaning: increase rapidly.
Synonyms:soar, rocket, shoot up, mount
Antonyms: plunge
Usage:”the price of tickets escalated”
9) Dissidents (Noun) — असंतुष्टों
Meaning: a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.
Synonyms:dissenter, objector, protester
Antonyms: conformist
Usage: “a dissident who had been jailed by a military regime”
10) Repression (Noun) – दमन या शमन
Meaning: the action of subduing someone or something by force.
Synonyms: suppression, quelling, quashing
Antonyms: freedom, liberty
Usage: “students sparked off events that ended in brutal repression”