Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary: May Month– Day 21
OVERTURE (Noun) : सन्धि प्रस्ताव Meaning: an approach or proposal made to someone with the aim of opening negotiations or establishing a relationship. अर्थ: बातचीत खोलने या संबंध […]
OVERTURE (Noun) : सन्धि प्रस्ताव Meaning: an approach or proposal made to someone with the aim of opening negotiations or establishing a relationship. अर्थ: बातचीत खोलने या संबंध […]
ANGUISH (noun) : पीड़ा Meaning: severe mental or physical pain or suffering. अर्थ: गंभीर मानसिक या शारीरिक पीड़ा या पीड़ा। Synonyms: agony, pain, torment, torture, suffering Antonyms: happiness, contentment Example: Nothing […]
DURESS (noun) : अवरोध Meaning: threats, violence, constraints, or other action used to coerce someone into doing something against their will or better judgement. अर्थ: धमकी, हिंसा, अड़चन […]
TREPIDATION (noun) : घबराहट Meaning: a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen. अर्थ: किसी चीज़ को लेकर भय या चिंता की भावना। Synonyms: fear, apprehension, […]
Intermediary : बिचौलिया, मध्यस्थ Meaning:a person who acts as a link between people in order to try and bring about an agreement; a mediator. (Noun) […]
Harping(Verb) : दोहराना Meaning: talk or write persistently and tediously on (a particular topic). अर्थ: किसी विशेष विषय पर लगातार और थकाऊ ढंग से बात करना या […]
ARCHETYPAL (adjective) : मूल आदर्श-विषयक Meaning: very typical of a certain kind of person or thing. अर्थ: एक निश्चित प्रकार के व्यक्ति या बात का बहुत विशिष्ट। Synonyms: conventional, […]
UNBECKNOWNST (Adjective) : अनजान Meaning: without the knowledge of (someone). अर्थ: (किसी के) ज्ञान के बिना। Synonyms: Unknown, undiscovered, concealed, mysterious Antonyms: Known, realised, recognised, understood Example: Unbeknownst to Natasha, Kurt […]
OVERTURE (Noun) : सन्धि प्रस्ताव Meaning: an approach or proposal made to someone with the aim of opening negotiations or establishing a relationship. अर्थ: बातचीत खोलने या संबंध […]
NEUROSIS (NOUN) : विक्षिप्त Meaning: mental and emotional disorder that affects only part of the personality अर्थ: मानसिक और भावनात्मक विकार जो व्यक्तित्व के केवल हिस्से को […]