Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary: July Month– Day 2
CONCEDE (verb) : मेल खाना Meaning : admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it. अर्थ: स्वीकार करते हैं या सहमत होते […]
CONCEDE (verb) : मेल खाना Meaning : admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it. अर्थ: स्वीकार करते हैं या सहमत होते […]
INCAPACITATED (adjective) : अक्षम Meaning: deprived of strength or power; debilitated. अर्थ: शक्ति या शक्ति से वंचित; दुर्बल। Synonyms: crippled, decrepit, enfeebled, frail. Antonyms: powerful, strong, sturdy, stout. Usage: In states […]
Stereotype : श्रेणीबद्ध करना Meaning: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. अर्थ: किसी विशेष प्रकार के […]
Air- Tight (adjective) Meaning:- having no weaknesses; unassailable. अर्थ: – कोई कमजोरी नहीं है; अभेद्य। Dastardly (adjective) : नीच Meaning:- wicked and cruel. अर्थ: – दुष्ट और क्रूर। Synonyms:- contemptible, cowardly […]
UNBECKNOWNST (Adjective) : अनजान Meaning: without the knowledge of (someone). अर्थ: (किसी के) ज्ञान के बिना। Synonyms: Unknown, undiscovered, concealed, mysterious Antonyms: Known, realised, recognised, understood Example: Unbeknownst to Natasha, Kurt […]
FRET (Verb) : झल्लाहट Meaning: cause anxiety to. अर्थ: चिंता का कारण। Synonyms: trouble, bother, concern, perturb, disturb, disquiet, Antonyms: comfort Example: Don’t let sorrow fret away your courage. SECLUSION (Noun) […]
Quirk(Noun) : व्यवहार में छल Meaning: a strange habit अर्थ: एक अजीब आदत Synonyms: irregularity, a trait Antonyms: normality, Usage: His biggest quirk is his love for old marbles. BELITTLE […]
Afflict(Verb) : पीड़ा देना Meaning: Cause pain or suffering अर्थ: पीड़ा या पीड़ा का कारण Synonym: distress, grieve Antonym: please, relieve Usage: This will remove the problems […]
ARCHETYPAL (adjective) : मूल आदर्श-विषयक Meaning: very typical of a certain kind of person or thing. अर्थ: एक निश्चित प्रकार के व्यक्ति या बात का बहुत विशिष्ट। Synonyms: conventional, […]
UNBECKNOWNST (Adjective) : अनजान Meaning: without the knowledge of (someone). अर्थ: (किसी के) ज्ञान के बिना। Synonyms: Unknown, undiscovered, concealed, mysterious Antonyms: Known, realised, recognised, understood Example: Unbeknownst to Natasha, Kurt […]