Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary: June Month – Day 28

The Hindu English Vocabulary

1)  Disgruntle (verb) – असंतुष्ट करना

Meaning: To cause to feel discontented or disgruntled

Synonyms: estrange, alienate, discontent, displease

Antonyms: encourage, compose, flatter

Usage:  There aren’t any foreign language soundtracks available on the disc, which could disgruntle some.

2) Machiavellian (noun) – षड्यंत्रकारी

Meaning: Attempting to achieve one’s goals by unscrupulous scheming; someone who secretly makes plans to do something illegal or harmful.

Synonyms: perfidious, conniving, cutthroat, devious, plotter, conspirator

Antonyms: virtuous, conscientious, honourable, good, respectable

Usage: Reuther’s political success cannot be read solely in terms of Machiavellian politics.

3) Rumbling  (verb) – गड़गड़ाहट

Meaning: A loud, deep resounding noise; Warning sign

Synonyms; grumble, roar, rumble, reverberation, resonance

Antonyms– peace, calm

Usage: He leaned out over the small rail and was about to embrace the blackness when a truck came rumbling along the road.

4) Wield (verb) – फिराना

Meaning: To have in one’s possession, command or control ;

Synonyms: have, hold, maintain, command

Antonyms: ensconce, cease, conceal, fail, idle

Usage: At one point the nurse left the room, leaving the dentist to rather unskillfully wield both drill and suction device. Evan was beginning to learn how to wield a short sword and boasted about his strength and speed.

5) carrot (noun) – चारा, रिश्वत

Meaning: The act of inveigling, or the state of being inveigled; The underlying intentions or motives of a particular person or group

Synonyms:  bait, bribe, impetus, intent, intention

Antonyms: determent, deterrent, discouragement, penalty, punishment, consideration

Usage:  However Bruce needs no carrot greater than the one provided by Father Time.

6) unwieldy (noun) – बोझल

Meaning: A hefty amount or abundant; Causing trouble, difficulties, or discomfort; Incapable of, or indisposed to, quick and effective action

Synonyms: cumbersome, awkward, bothersome, inconvenient

Antonyms: handy, manageable, dainty, agile

Usage: She’d make a dint in this unwieldy task by visiting schools to make contact with kids before they start dropping out.

7) Repugnant (noun) – घृणास्पद

Meaning:  Offensive or disgusting ; Denotes a strong aversion or opposition to something

Synonyms: abhorrent, loathsome, nauseating, despicable, grisly, gruesome

Antonyms: humble, unobtrusive, nonprovocative, innoxious

Usage: Although Joan does things that some might consider repugnant, Linney fashions her alter-ego into a sympathetic human being..

8) Rekindled (Adj) – पुनर्जीवित

Meaning:  for to provoke or bring about ;

Synonyms: revived, revivified, reanimated

Antonyms: killed

Usage:  As Zerin rekindled the fire, the sun came up, covering the cold earth with its rays.

9) Feudal (noun) – सामंती

Meaning: Of, or relating to feudalism

Synonyms: old-fashioned, outdated

Antonyms: stylish, contemporary, trendy, up-to-date

Usage: In a feudal system there is always another member of the clan to step forward to assume the leadership.

10) Succour (Adj) – परेशानी में सहायता

Meaning: Give assistance or aid to; Feel or express sympathy

Synonyms: relieve, alleviate, aid, help, assist

Antonyms: agitation, annoyance, antagonism,  hindrance, obstruction

Usage: It is true that all NGOs, except those exclusively concerned with succour and relief, are about change. Conditions deteriorated and the milch cow of the state could no longer succour the system.