FAWNING (adjective) : चापलूस
- Meaning: displaying exaggerated flattery or affection; obsequious.
- अर्थ: अतिरंजित चापलूसी या स्नेह प्रदर्शित करना; चापलूस।
- Synonyms: sycophantic, ingratiating, subservient, cajoling.
- Antonyms: imperious, domineering, peremptory, opinionated.
- Example: Because Larry really wants a promotion, he spends a great deal of time fawning over his boss.
FURLOUGH (noun) : लम्बी छुट्टी
- Meaning: leave of absence, especially that granted to a member of the services of a missionary.
- अर्थ: अनुपस्थिति की छुट्टी, विशेष रूप से जो एक मिशनरी की सेवाओं के एक सदस्य को दी गई है।
- Synonyms: break, rest, recess, a day off.
- Antonyms: rehire, recall, travail, toil.
- Example: I have just learned that Cousin George has got his furlough extended thirty days.
SMUG (adjective) : आत्मसंतुष्ट
- Meaning: having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one’s achievements.
- अर्थ: स्वयं या किसी की उपलब्धियों में अत्यधिक अभिमान होना या दिखाना।
- Synonyms: bighead, conceitedness, ego, vainglory.
- Antonyms: diffidence, bashfulness, demureness, shyness.
- Example: Because Amit had a smug attitude during his meeting with the principal, he projected the image he was proud of his misdeeds.
ENSCONCE (Verb) : स्थापित करना
- Meaning: establish or settle (someone) in a comfortable, safe place.
- अर्थ: किसी आरामदायक, सुरक्षित जगह पर (किसी को) स्थापित या बसाना।
- Synonyms: settle, install, establish, entrench
- Antonyms: depart, displace
- Example: Clara is comfortably ensconced in a beach chair and has no immediate plans to return to work.
SURMISE (Verb) : शंका
- Meaning: suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.
- अर्थ: मान लीजिए कि किसी चीज़ की पुष्टि किए बिना सबूत के बिना कुछ सच है।
- Synonyms: guess, conjecture, deduce, infer
- Antonyms: know
- Example: Jason knew it was wrong of him to surmise his brother had stolen his money without actual proof.
GOAD (Verb) : उसकाव
- Meaning: provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate an action or reaction.
- अर्थ: किसी क्रिया या प्रतिक्रिया को उत्तेजित करने के लिए उकसाना या नाराज करना (किसी को)।
- Synonyms: provoke, spur, prick, sting
- Antonyms: aid, dissuade
- Example: My mother is going to try and goad her dog into getting off the bed by offering him a treat.
Axiomatic(Adjective) : स्वयं स्पष्ट
- Meaning: self-evident or unquestionable.
- अर्थ: स्वयं स्पष्ट या निर्विवाद।
- Synonym: Understood, Given, Granted, self-evident
- Antonym: Misunderstood, uncertain
- Usage: The arithmetic principles are axiomatic in nature.
Connivance(Noun) : मिलीभगत
- Meaning: Secretly involved in immoral or illegal activity.
- अर्थ: अनैतिक या अवैध गतिविधि में गुप्त रूप से शामिल।
- Synonym: Involvement, assistance, conspiracy, intrigue
- Antonym: Disapprobation, rejection, dislike
- Usage: With the connivance of the government, the Indian army planned a surgical strike.
Ephemeral(Adjective) : अल्पकालिक
- Meaning: Lasting for short time
- अर्थ: कम समय तक रहना
- Synonyms: Temporary, Short-lived, transient.
- Antonyms: long-lived, enduring, everlasting, eternal, perpetual.
- Usage: time is ephemeral so don’t waste it.
Mundane (Adjective) : सांसारिक
- Meaning: Found in the ordinary course of events
- अर्थ: घटनाओं के साधारण पाठ्यक्रम में मिला
- Synonyms: dime, stale, sober, humdrum, day-to-day
- Antonyms: unusual, Exciting, extraordinary.
- Usage: The list included many mundane, routine tasks.