Rakesh Yadav Class Notes of Maths in Hindi

The most demanding notes finally here, we have finally created an application which contains the most important notes of mathematics in Hindi. Not only the notes which we have mentioned but also various other important notes and current affairs is available for free in our android application. Over 500,000 thousand people are already using our application. Below we have mentioned the app link as well as the chapter details.

This mathematics note is available in Hindi, if you want some notes in English then read our old article which is mentioned below.

Arithmetic – Volume 1

* काम और समय
* पाईप और टंकी
* समय और दूरी
* नाव और धारा
* प्रतिशतता
* लाभ और हानि
* मिश्रण
* अनुपात एवं समानुपात
* साझेदारी
* औसत
* चक्रवृद्धि व्याज
* साधारण व्याज

Advanced Maths -Volume 2

* संख्या पद्धति और बीजगणित
* लघुत्तम समापवर्त्य एवं महत्तम समापवर्त्य
* ज्यामितीय
* निर्देशांक ज्यामितीय
* क्षेत्रमिति (2D)
* त्रिकोंमिति (3D)
* उचाई और दूरी
* संखिकी

Download our app of  Rakesh Yadav class notes of maths in Hindi offline app– Click Here.

If you don’t want to study from the website and want to study completely offline then no issue we have a bunch of apps which is completely offline. Visit now our Playstore account – Click Here.