Quirk(Noun) : व्यवहार में छल
- Meaning: a strange habit
- अर्थ: एक अजीब आदत
- Synonyms: irregularity, a trait
- Antonyms: normality,
- Usage: His biggest quirk is his love for old marbles.
BELITTLE (Verb) : मूल्य घटना
- Meaning: dismiss (someone or something) as unimportant.
- अर्थ: महत्वहीन (किसी या कुछ) को खारिज करना।
- Synonyms: disparage, denigrate, deprecate, downgrade
- Antonyms: praise, magnify
- Usage: There is no reason for you to belittle my wardrobe simply because your clothes are more expensive than the ones I own.
BOUT (Noun) : अवधि
- Meaning: a short period of intense activity of a specified kind.
- अर्थ: एक निर्दिष्ट प्रकार की गहन गतिविधि की एक छोटी अवधि।
- Synonyms: spell, period, time, stretch, a stint
- Antonyms: stagnation
- Usage: The bout of intensive running led to my preparation for the Boston Marathon.
MANDATE (noun) : शासनादेश
- Meaning: an official order or commission to do something.
- अर्थ: कुछ करने के लिए एक आधिकारिक आदेश या आयोग।
- Synonyms: instruction, directive, direction, decree, command
- Antonyms: encourage
- Usage:They carried out the governor’s mandate to build more roads.
RATIFY (Verb) : पुष्टि करना
- Meaning: sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid.
- अर्थ: (आधिकारिक, संधि या समझौते) पर औपचारिक सहमति दें या हस्ताक्षर करें, जिससे यह आधिकारिक रूप से मान्य हो।
- Synonyms: confirm, approve, sanction, endorse, agree to
- Antonyms: deny, destroy, disagree, disapprove, disprove
- Usage: Laws and statesmen, for the most part, indicate and ratify, but do not create.
SERVILE(Adjective) :ख़ुशामदी
- Meaning: eager to serve and please someone else in a way that shows a lack of respect for yourself
- अर्थ : किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति की सेवा करने और उसे खुश करने के लिए उत्सुक होना जो अपने लिए सम्मान की कमी दर्शाता है
- Synonyms: abject, beggarly
- Antonyms: dominant, aggressive
- Example: The vast majority of bond-servants had been freed in the city, and legally servile statuses largely abolished.
ARDUOUS(Adjective) :कठिन, दुष्कर
- Meaning: demanding great effort or labor; difficult
- अर्थ : महान प्रयास या श्रम की मांग करना; कठिन
- Synonyms: exhausting, grueling
- Antonyms: facile, easy
- Example: Needless to say, mastering a foreign language is an arduous challenge.
TROVE (noun) : निधि
- Meaning: a store of valuable or delightful things.
- अर्थ: मूल्यवान या रमणीय वस्तुओं का भंडार।
- Synonyms: accumulation, agglomeration, backlog, conglomeration, heap, pile, reservoir, stock
- Store, supply.
- Antonyms: trash, litter, junk, dispersion, reduction, shrinkage.
- Usage: I discovered a trove of candy bars and pop tarts in my teen son’s pillow case.
Protege (Noun) : आश्रित
- Meaning: A person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person.
- अर्थ: एक व्यक्ति जो एक बड़े और अधिक अनुभवी या प्रभावशाली व्यक्ति द्वारा निर्देशित और समर्थित है।
- Synonyms: Pupil, student, trainee.
- Antonyms: Guardian, adult
- Example: Ram submitted his protege name to the elections.
RICKETY (adjective) : सूका रोगी
- Meaning: (of a structure or piece of equipment) poorly made and likely to collapse.
- अर्थ: (एक संरचना या उपकरणों का टुकड़ा) खराब तरीके से बनाया गया और ढहने की संभावना है।
- Synonyms: dilapidated, ramshackle, derelict, ruinous.
- Antonyms: stable, sturdy, durable, strong.
- Example: She then directed them to the fourth floor, giving them the choice of the stairs or a rickety lift.