Hordes (noun) फ़ौज
- Meaning:- a large group of people.
- अर्थ: – लोगों का एक बड़ा समूह।
- Example:- One bad plague or invading horde would leave pretty much everyone starving.
Demolition (noun) विध्वंस
- Meaning:- the action or process of demolishing or being demolished.
- अर्थ: – विध्वंस या ध्वस्त होने की क्रिया या भाव।
- Synonyms:- destruction, levelling
- Antonyms:-construction, confirmation
- Example:- The old factory is scheduled for demolition next week.
Egregious (adjective) प्रबल
- Meaning:- outstandingly bad; shocking.
- अर्थ: – लगभग बुरा; चौंका देने वाला।
- Synonyms:- shocking, appalling
- Antonyms:-marvelous
- Example:- Egregious errors were caused by the tablet’s failure to check spelling.
Debris (noun) मलबा
- Meaning:- scattered pieces of rubbish or remains.
- अर्थ: – कूड़े-करकट के बिखरे हुए टुकड़े या अवशेष।
- Synonyms:- detritus, refuse
- Example:- She covered her head as dirt and debris rained over her.
Acquitting (verb) बरी कर दिया
- Meaning:- free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.
- अर्थ: –दोषमुक्त न होने के निर्णय द्वारा (किसी को) अपराधी आरोप से मुक्त करना।
- Example:- The case resulted in acquittal of the defendant.
Sturdy (adjective) तगड़ा
Meaning:- (of a person or their body) strongly and solidly built.
अर्थ: -(किसी व्यक्ति या उनके शरीर का) दृढ़ता से और ठोस रूप से निर्मित।
Synonyms:- strapping, well built
Example:- The barracks were plain but sturdy, made of stone.
Vantage (noun) सहूलियत
Meaning:- a place or position affording a good view of something.अर्थ: -किसी बात का अच्छा दृष्टिकोण बताने वाला स्थान या पद।Synonyms:- point of view
Example:- Small clusters of people were gathered at every vantage point
Conspiracy (noun) साजिश
- Meaning:- a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
- अर्थ: –किसी गैरकानूनी या हानिकारक कुछ करने के लिए एक समूह द्वारा एक गुप्त योजना।
- Synonyms:- plot, scheme
- Example:-He wondered whether Morgan had not come and entered into a conspiracy with her to shield themselves.
Inferences (noun) अनुमान
- Meaning:- a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
- अर्थ: – प्रमाण और तर्क के आधार पर एक निष्कर्ष पहुँचा।
- Synonyms:- deduction, conclusion
- Example:- The inference was insulting
Intent (noun) इरादा
- Meaning:- intention or purpose.
- अर्थ: – किसी के लिए (किसी के लिए) अर्थ निकालना मुश्किल है: – इरादा या उद्देश्य। कुछ के लिए या (कुछ) होने के लिए।
- Synonyms:- aim, purpose
- Example:- It wasn’t my intent to hide anything from you.