COVERT : प्रच्छन्न
- Meaning: not openly acknowledged or displayed.
- अर्थ: खुले तौर पर स्वीकार या प्रदर्शित नहीं।
- Synonyms: secret, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious
- Antonyms: overt, above board
- Example: Every measure, both overt and covert, is being taken against terrorists.
DESPOTIC (Adjective) : निरंकुश
- Meaning: of or typical of a despot; tyrannical.
- अर्थ: या एक निरंकुश के विशिष्ट; अत्याचारी।
- Synonyms: autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian, authoritarian,
- Antonyms: democratic, accountable
- Usage: Under orders from the despotic ruler, citizens were denied freedom of speech.
- Meaning: not having any serious purpose or value.
- अर्थ: कोई गंभीर उद्देश्य या मूल्य नहीं होना।
- Synonyms: flippant, glib, waggish
- Antonyms: serious, practical, important
- Example: Isabelle was a frivolous little fool, vain and flighty.
DISENFRANCHISE (Verb) : नागरिकता से वंचित करना
- Meaning: Deprive of the right to vote.
- अर्थ: वोट देने के अधिकार की गहराई।
- Synonym: Opress, shackle, coerce
- Antonym: Liberate, release, permit
- Usage: Government should disenfranchise the people having the voting identity of two cities/states
DERISIVE(adjective) : व्यंग्यात्मक
- Meaning: mocking and ridiculing
- अर्थ: उपहास करना
- Synonyms: cheeky, scornful
- Antonyms: polite, respectful
- Usage: The bully let out a derisive laugh when mocking his classmate’s nerdy glasses.
HARK (verb) : सुनना
- Meaning:to pay attention especially through the act of hearing
- अर्थ: विशेष रूप से सुनवाई के माध्यम से ध्यान देना
- Synonym: attend, harken, hear, hearken, heed, listen, mind
- Antonym: ignore, tune out
- Usage: Upon hearing the offending ringing, the teacher sarcastically cried, “Hark! Could that possibly be a cell phone
NIMBLY (Adjective) : तीव्रता से अदल
- Meaning: having or showing quickness of mind
- अर्थ: मन का तेज होना या दिखना
- Synonym: alert, brainy, bright, brilliant, clever
- Antonym: dim-witted, doltish, dopey (also dopy), dorky [slang], dull,
- Usage: Her nimble fingers make knitting look so easy
DYNAMISM (noun) : गतिशीलता
- Meaning: the fact of two or more events or circumstances happening or existing at the same time.
- अर्थ: एक ही समय में होने वाली या विद्यमान दो या अधिक घटनाओं या परिस्थितियों का तथ्य।
- Synonym: beans, bounce, brio, dash, drive, energy, Esprit
- Antonym: lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, torpidity
- Usage: Voters were attracted to the young challenger’s dynamism, charisma, and progressive ideas.
EVANGELIZE (noun) : इंजील
- Meaning: to try to convert (a group or area) to a different religion (especially Christianity).
- अर्थ: एक अलग धर्म (विशेषकर ईसाई धर्म) के लिए (एक समूह या क्षेत्र) परिवर्तित करने का प्रयास करना।
- Synonym: lecture, platitudinize, preach, preachify, sermonize
- Antonym: deconvert, dissuade, endure, hold, idle, keep
- Usage: The missionaries set out to evangelize the world.
EXPEDITIOUS (Adjective) : अतिशीघ्र
- Meaning: done with speed and efficiency.
- अर्थ: गति और दक्षता के साथ किया।
- Synonyms: speedy, swift, quick, rapid, fast; prompt
- Antonyms: slow
- Usage: The man was saved because of the doctor’s expeditious diagnosis.