Accolade (Noun) – सम्मान
- Meaning: an award or privilege granted as a special honor or as an acknowledgment of merit.
- अर्थ: एक सम्मान या विशेषाधिकार विशेष सम्मान के रूप में या योग्यता की स्वीकृति के रूप में दिया जाता है।
- Synonym: honor, recognition, privilege, award, gift, title
- Example: Mrs. Smith is such a great teacher that she is always getting one accolade after another.
Vernacular (Noun) – जनभाषा
- Meaning: the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people of a country or region.
- अर्थ: किसी देश या क्षेत्र के सामान्य लोगों द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषा या बोली।
- Synonym: everyday language, spoken language, colloquial speech, slang
- Example: To hold the interest of the community, the playwright penned his play using only the local vernacular.
Perjury (Noun) – झूठा साक्ष्य
- Meaning: the offense of willfully telling an untruth or making a misrepresentation under oath.
- अर्थ: शपथ के तहत जानबूझकर असत्य बताने या गलत बयानी करने का अपराध।
- Synonym: violation of an oath, giving false evidence/testimony, bearing false witness/testimony, forswearing oneself, making false statements, willful falsehood
- Example: The mother who lied about her son’s whereabouts will soon face trial for perjury.
Plagiarize (Verb) – साहित्यिक चोरी करना
- Meaning: take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one’s own.
- अर्थ: किसी और के काम (किसी विचार या विचार) को लेना और उसे स्वयं के रूप में बंद करना।
- Synonym: infringe the copyright of, pirate, steal, poach, borrow,
- Example: Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to court and ordered to pay damages.
PROTRACTED (Adjective) : लंबा
- Meaning: lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.
- अर्थ: लंबे समय तक या अपेक्षित या सामान्य से अधिक समय तक चलने वाला।
- Synonym: prolonged, extended
- Antonym: curtail, shorten
- Example: In the Senate, there was a protracted struggle.
INEFFABLE(adjective) : प्रशंसातीत
- Meaning: too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
- अर्थ: शब्दों में व्यक्त या वर्णित होने के लिए बहुत बढ़िया या चरम।
- Synonyms: inexpressible, indescribable, marvelous, wonderful
- Antonyms: definable, describable, utterable
- Example: I breathed an air of ineffable sweetness.
RE-LITIGATING (Verb) : मुकदमेबाजी करना
- Meaning: To dispute, debate, contest again.
- अर्थ: विवाद करना, बहस करना, फिर से चुनाव लड़ना।
- Synonym: prosecute, dispute
- Antonym: agree
- Example: This litigation filled the state and federal courts for many years.
- Meaning: having an abundance of some characteristic quality (as flavor)
- अर्थ: कुछ विशिष्ट गुणों की प्रचुरता (स्वाद के रूप में)
- Synonyms: vigorous, influential, competent
- Antonyms: ineffective, insignificant
- Example: The potent poison killed him within seconds.
- Meaning: marked by settled sedateness and often prim self-restraint
- अर्थ: सुलझी हुई उदासीनता और अक्सर आत्म संयम द्वारा चिह्नित
- Synonyms: dignified, composed, earnest, grave, humorless, no-nonsense
- Antonyms: indecorous, frivolous, hilarious
- Example: She was given a staid title-‘The Iron Lady’.