Progenitor(Noun) पूर्वज
- Meaning: a person or thing from which a person, animal, or plant is descended or originates; an ancestor or parent.
- अर्थ: कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जिससे कोई व्यक्ति, पशु या पौधा उतरता या उत्पन्न होता है; पूर्वज या माता-पिता।
- Synonym: ancestor, a forefather
- Antonym: descendant
- Usage: Medus was regarded as the eponymous hero and progenitor of the Medes.
Incredulous(adjective) बदगुमान
- Meaning: (of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something.
- अर्थ: (किसी व्यक्ति का या उनके ढंग का) किसी बात पर विश्वास करने में असमर्थ।
- Synonym: disbelieving, unbelieving,
- Antonym: credulous
- Usage: I made an expression to show that I was as incredulous about this as he was.
Banishment(Noun) निर्वासन (संज्ञा)
- Meaning: the punishment of being sent away from a country or other place.
- अर्थ: किसी देश या अन्य जगह से दूर भेजे जाने की सजा।
- Synonym: deportation, displacement,
- Antonym: repatriation, return
- Usage: He regretted over the banishment imposed on him, five years ago.
Conundrum(Noun) पहेली
- Meaning: A difficult problem
- अर्थ: एक कठिन समस्या
- Synonym: quandary, a dilemma
- Antonym: proposition, solution
- Usage: She faced the conundrum of finding a job without having experience in the desired field.
Inviolable(Adjective) पवित्र
- Meaning: Secure from the violation or profanation
- अर्थ: उल्लंघन या अपवित्रता से सुरक्षित
- Synonym: unchallengeable, unbreakable,
- Antonym: partial
- Usage: Everyone has an inviolable right to protection by a fair legal system.
COMPENSATE(Verb) क्षतिपूर्ति
- Meaning: to pay someone money in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem
- अर्थ: किसी चीज़ के बदले किसी को पैसे देना या खो जाना या किसी समस्या के लिए
- Synonyms: pay, refund
- Antonyms: lose, fine
- Example: Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.
- Meaning: belonging or relating to the home, house, or family
- अर्थ: घर या परिवार से संबंधित
- Synonyms: private, family
- Antonyms: alien, foreign
- Example: Most domestic hobs have four gas or electric rings.
- Meaning: to refuse to accept something or someone
- अर्थ: किसी चीज़ या किसी चीज़ को स्वीकार करने से मना करना
- Synonyms: disdain, despise
- Antonyms: accept, admire
- Example: She spurned my offers of help.
HECKLE(Verb)सवालों से बात काटना
- Meaning: to interrupt a speaker with insulting or rude comments
- अर्थ: अपमानजनक या असभ्य टिप्पणियों के साथ एक वक्ता को बाधित करने के लिए
- Synonyms: bully, ridicule
- Antonyms: please, praise
- Example: The crowd began to boo and heckle the comedian as he bombed his comedy set.
SHUNT(Verb)अलग धकेलना
- Meaning:to push or shove something
- अर्थ: किसी चीज को धक्का देना या धक्का देना
- Synonyms: avoid, deter
- Antonyms: aid, allow
- Example: It’s unfortunate that our society tends to shunt older workers to retire before they are ready.