WHINE (Noun) : कराहना
- Meaning:to make a long, high, sad sound
- अर्थ: लम्बी, ऊँची, उदास ध्वनि करना
- Synonyms:gripe, moan
- Antonyms:happiness, pleasure
- Example:Leon’s dog was sitting by the door whining, so I thought I’d better take it for a walk.
Veteran (Noun) : दीर्घानुभवी
- Meaning: a person who has had long experience in a particular field.
- अर्थ: एक व्यक्ति जिसे किसी विशेष क्षेत्र में लंबे समय से अनुभव है।
- Synonyms: experienced, seasoned, expert, skilled
- Antonyms: inexperienced, rookie, amateur, unskilled
- Usage in a sentence: He is a veteran parliamentarian whose views enjoy widespread respect.
CHRONIC (Adjective) : पुरानी
- Meaning: continuing or occurring again and again for a long time, happening or existing frequently or most of the time, always or often doing something specified
- अर्थ: लंबे समय तक बार-बार जारी रहना या घटित होना, लगातार या अधिकतर समय, हमेशा या अक्सर कुछ किया जाना
- Synonym: natural; persistent, regular,
- Antonym: unaccustomed, unused; intermittent, occasional
- Example: He suffers from chronic arthritis.
Linger : दीर्घ काल तक रहना
- Meaning: stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave.
- अर्थ: छोड़ने की अनिच्छा के कारण एक जगह पर लंबे समय तक रहना।
- Synonyms: loiter, stay, remain, wait
- Antonyms: rush, hurry, leave
- Usage in a sentence: There’s no need to linger over this stage of the interview.
LOATHE (Verb) : घृणा करना
- Meaning:to hate someone or something
- अर्थ: किसी से या किसी चीज़ से घृणा करना
- Synonyms:despise, detest
- Antonyms:admire, adore
- Example:From an early age the brothers have loathed each other.
CONCOMITANT (adjective) सहगामी
- Meaning: naturally accompanying or associated.
- अर्थ: स्वाभाविक रूप से साथ या जुड़ा हुआ।
- Synonyms: attendant, collateral, linked, accessory, auxiliary.
- Antonyms: unassociated, unconnected, unrelated, indifferent, unbound.
- Usage: That it is apparently devoid of psychical concomitant need not imply that the impressions concerned in it are crude and in elaborate.
STULTIFY (verb) वृथा करना
- Meaning: cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine.
- अर्थ: विशेष रूप से थकाऊ या प्रतिबंधात्मक दिनचर्या के परिणामस्वरूप उत्साह और पहल को खोने का कारण।
- Synonyms: hamper, impede, obstruct, thwart, suppress, smother, repress, counteract, trammel, restrain.
- Antonyms: consolidate, augment, glorify, exacerbate, exalt, stir, elevate, accentuate, strengthen.
- Usage: By referencing actual statistics, he was able to stultify his opponent’s argument.
NIHILISM (noun) शून्यवाद
- Meaning: the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.
- अर्थ: सभी धार्मिक और नैतिक सिद्धांतों की अस्वीकृति, इस विश्वास में कि जीवन निरर्थक है।
- Synonyms: cynicism, rejection, repudiation, abnegation, disbelief, skepticism.
- Antonyms: belief, faith, approval, discipline, ratification.
- Usage: The rebels urged the people to grab hold of nihilism and remove all government officials from office.
BADINAGE (noun) परिहास
- Meaning: humorous or witty conversation.
- अर्थ: हास्य या मजाकिया वार्तालाप।
- Synonyms: banter, chaff, jesting, repartee, barb, gambit.
- Antonyms: bullying, criticism, argument, fight.
- Usage: The president was in a good mood as he walked through the crowd and made several voters laugh with his witty badinage.
MELLOW (adjective) मधुर
- Meaning: (especially of a sound, flavour, or color) pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness.
- अर्थ: (विशेषकर ध्वनि, स्वाद, या रंग) सुखद रूप से चिकना या नरम; कठोरता से मुक्त।
- Synonyms: dulcet, euphonious, melodious, mellifluous, mellifluent.
- Antonyms: rugged, abrading, gruff, abrasive, harsh.
- Usage: His mellow voice and his qualitative speech made everyone applaud him.