DIVEST (verb) विनिहित करना
- Meaning: to set (a person or thing) free of something that encumbers.
- अर्थ: किसी वस्तु को मुक्त करने के लिए (किसी व्यक्ति या बात) को सेट करना।
- Synonyms: disencumber, rid, emancipate, release.
- Antonyms: hamper, restrain, shackle, encumber.
- Example: Under the new deal, the company agreed to divest itself of half its revenues, so they could distribute it among their creditors.
BERATE (verb) जोर से डाँटना
- Meaning: cold or criticize (someone) angrily.
- अर्थ: ठंड या आलोचना (किसी को) गुस्से से।
- Synonyms: castigate, chastise, lambaste, reprimand.
- Antonyms: approve, extol, laud, praise.
- Example: Every time the referee made a questionable call, the fans would berate him and throw beans on the field.
FABLED (adjective) कथा में बर्णन किया हुआ
- Meaning: mythical; imaginary.
- अर्थ: पौराणिक; काल्पनिक।
- Synonyms: fictitious, hypothetical, apocryphal, allegorical.
- Antonyms: authentic, existent, factual, confirmed.
- Example: Long after the kingdoms of southern Arabia disappeared, the fabled riches of the region live on in the popular imagination.
Chronic (Adjective) – स्थायी
- Meaning: continuing or occurring again and again for a long time, happening or existing frequently or most of the time, always or often doing something specified
- अर्थ: लंबे समय तक बार-बार जारी रहना या घटित होना, लगातार या अधिकतर समय, हमेशा या अक्सर कुछ किया जाना
- Synonym: natural; persistent, regular,
- Antonym: unaccustomed, unused; intermittent, occasional
- Example: He suffers from chronic arthritis.
Punctilious (Adjective) – समयनिष्ठ (पाबंद)
- Meaning: showing great attention to detail or correct behavior.
- अर्थ: विस्तार या सही व्यवहार पर बहुत ध्यान देना।
- Synonym: meticulous, conscientious, careful, diligent, attentive,
- Antonym: careless, easy-going, slapdash
- Example: While I enjoy cleanliness, I am not so punctilious that I get upset about a little dust on my furniture.
Beset : टूट पड़ना
- Meaning: (of a problem or difficulty) trouble (someone or something) persistently.
- अर्थ: (किसी समस्या या कठिनाई के कारण) (किसी को या किसी को) निरंतर कष्ट होना।
- Synonyms: harass, plague, assail, hound, attack
- Antonyms: protect, defend, aid, assist
- Usage in a Sentence: A lack of money is the greatest problem besetting the city today.
Word: Eponymous : व्यक्ति जिसके नाम से किसी रचना का नाम रखा हो
- Meaning: (of a person) giving their name to something.
- अर्थ: (किसी व्यक्ति का) किसी चीज को अपना नाम देना।
- Synonyms: self-titled, namesake, homonymous, titular
- Antonyms: anonymous, nameless, unknown, incognito
- Usage in a Sentence: Benko is the author of an eponymous opening line for the black pieces.
Word: Fillip : प्रेरणा
- Meaning: something which acts as a stimulus or boost to activity.
- अर्थ: कोई ऐसी चीज जो उत्तेजना या गतिविधि को बढ़ावा देने का काम करती है।
- Synonyms: incentive, stimulus, boost, encouragement
- Antonyms: deterrence, disincentive
- Usage in a sentence: The news gave a fillip to the telecommunication sector.
Word: Saving grace : विशेष गुण
- Meaning: the redeeming grace of God.
- अर्थ: ईश्वर की कृपा से छुड़ाने वाली कृपा।
- Synonyms: good point, attractive aspect, advantage
- Antonyms: weak point, disadvantage, difficulty, weakness
- Usage in a Sentence: Dogs are a man’s best friend and a cop’s saving grace.
Word: Uptick : उत्थान
- Meaning: a small increase or slight upward trend.
- अर्थ: एक छोटी वृद्धि या थोड़ा ऊपर की ओर प्रवृत्ति।
- Synonyms: uptrend, rise, increase, growth, increment, surge
- Antonyms: downtick, decrement, decline, loss, abatement, decrease
- Usage in a sentence: Unfortunately, the passage of the law didn’t translate into an uptick of tenants using vouchers in the city, Martin acknowledged.