Intermediary : बिचौलिया, मध्यस्थ
- Meaning: a person who acts as a link between people in order to try and bring about an agreement; a mediator. (Noun)
- अर्थ: एक व्यक्ति जो एक समझौते के बारे में प्रयास करने और लाने के लिए लोगों के बीच एक कड़ी के रूप में कार्य करता है; एक मध्यस्थ।
- Synonyms: broker, mediator, middleman, agent, interim
- Antonyms: protagonist, excessive, off-centre
- Usage in a sentence: He served as an intermediary between the workers and the executives.
Infringe : उल्लंघन करना, अतिक्रमण करना
- Meaning: actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).
- अर्थ: (एक कानून, समझौते, आदि) की शर्तों को सक्रिय रूप से तोड़ दें।
- Synonyms: violate, breach, break, transgress, violation
- Antonyms: obey, comply, follow, observe
- Usage in a sentence: They claim that his use of the name infringes on their copyright.
Traceable : पता लगाने के योग्य
- Meaning: able to be found or discovered.
- अर्थ: खोजने या खोजने में सक्षम।
- Synonyms: trackable, referable, attributable, identifiable, recognizable
- Antonyms: untraceable, faint, imperceptible, invisible
- Usage in a sentence: We will need to trace the electrical wires through the walls.
Encrypt : कूट रूप देना
- Meaning: convert (information or data) into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access.
- अर्थ: विशेष रूप से अनधिकृत पहुंच को रोकने के लिए एक कोड में (सूचना या डेटा) परिवर्तित करें।
- Synonyms: encode, encipher, code, inscribe
- Antonyms: interpret, decode, decipher, decrypt, translate
- Usage in a sentence: The software will encrypt the message before it is sent.
Weed out : निकाल देना
- Meaning: to remove (people or things that are not wanted) from a group
- अर्थ: एक समूह से (लोगों या चीजों को जो नहीं चाहते हैं) को हटाने के लिए
- Synonyms: eradicate, eliminate, root out, remove, exterminate
- Antonyms: seed, sow, plant
- Usage in a sentence: He is keen to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds.
DOTARD (noun) : बूढ़ा
- Meaning: an old person, especially one who has become weak or senile.
- अर्थ: एक बूढ़ा व्यक्ति, विशेष रूप से एक जो कमजोर या कमजोर हो गया है।
- Synonyms: oldster, graybeard, grandsire, elder.
- Antonyms: juvenile, teen, minor, youth.
- Example: As the dotard slowly walked with a cane, he struggled with figuring out where the senior citizen center was located even though he had been there dozens of times.
STEWARD (noun) : प्रबंधक
- Meaning: a person employed to manage another’s property, especially a large house or estate.
- अर्थ: दूसरे की संपत्ति, विशेष रूप से एक बड़े घर या संपत्ति का प्रबंधन करने के लिए नियोजित व्यक्ति।
- Synonyms: manager, agent, custodian, caretaker.
- Antonyms: intimidator, client, acolyte, subordinate.
- Example: The house steward, Donald, picked up her baggage from rear of the carriage.
SCARCE (Adjective) : दुर्लभ
- Meaning:deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand
- अर्थ: मांग की तुलना में मात्रा या संख्या में कमी
- Synonyms: rare, scant
- Antonyms:abundant, plentiful
- Example:With jobs so scarce, many young people have nothing to do.
Quirk (Noun) : विशेषता
- Meaning: a strange habit
- अर्थ: एक अजीब आदत
- Synonyms: irregularity, trait
- Antonyms: normality,
- Usage: His biggest quirk is his love for old marbles.
TACIT (adjective) : उपलक्षित
- Meaning: understood or implied without being stated.
- अर्थ: बिना बताए समझे या निहित।
- Synonyms: implicit, inferred, insinuated, unspoken.
- Antonyms: blatant, evident, manifest, explicit.
- Example: In my business, all that is needed for a tacit